Table of Content
A little girl rescues a strange beast in the woods and carries him safely home. But the beast is not happy and escapes! A funny and charming tale about seeing both sides of the story. These books help kids to understand and navigate the difficult world of emotions and social communication skills. Not my style or inspiration, not great instruction. Good if you like vintage/19th century/rustic home style.
You probably already have a fair understanding of what can be made from a reclaimed wood pallet, and more bunting and homemade wreaths than anyone has a right to possess. Even so, there are some neat projects, like a glass dome full of butterflies that only takes $300 in supplies – but it is beautiful. A disproportionate amount of the tutorial section is dedicated to floral arrangement, but it also includes slipcovers and… well, that’s about it. Cathy Green, August 04, 2012Love this book. With a little creativity and or your own twist to these ideas you to could use this book and maybe one day you too could write your own "Design Sponge" type of a book.
Best Kids Books to Teach Social-Emotional Skills
"A one-stop book for inspiration and practical guidance."
I love Design sponge but we have a moody Internet connection and most days I can’t get on to read the blog, so having a copy of the book would sure be nice. I could get my DS fix without fighting with my Internet provider. How the beautiful people live, but with some down to earth suggestions. A very good book for a young person beginning to develop or fine-tune their taste. Seriously, i'll be scanning, rereading, referencing, indulging, etc for the next decade.
Friend Reviews
Remarkably, most homes not only incorporated books and libraries as design elements they also focused on and celebrated living with shelves and stacks of books. The value of such books is in their photos, and there's enough here for your eye to wander through to keep you happy. A large number of excellent homes from diverse and quirky people illustrate a ... Design Sponge at Home by Grace Bonney is 400 pages of inspiration!

The next section offers lessons on flower arranging…my personal favorite way to liven up any space in the home. The Before & Afters are my favorite part. You can’t go wrong with a B&A, they’re fun if they’re inspiring and funny if they’re disastrous.
Design*Sponge at Home Reviews
Of course you can see all of this on the blog, but personally I love to be able to hold an actual book in my hands and put the computer/ipad away for awhile. 5)Before and After spaces which concentrates on redoing furniture. Crafts and floral arrangements fill the rest of the book.
She is having family help her fix things up so she can sell it soon. Thank you for accepting my request if no one has won the books yet. I need a helping hand in applying some finishing touches to my shop which is in it’s final stages of being finished.
An encyclopedia of home design inspiration. This said, the writing is smart and the photographs are clear. I just wish the actual organization of the book would have been more efficient. If you are a design lover, I think you will still enjoy this book with minimal complaint and receive maximum inspiration. 4)Flower Workshop which shares the basics of flower arranging. "If you're not already a fan of, Grace Bonney's style-saturated website, you'll fall in love with her book."
I just want decorating tips.” In that case, you’ll miss half the fun of this book. You may be better off looking at a decorating book that isn’t written by bloggers or designers du jour. But don’t ask me for recommendations, I can’t think of any. Regardless of style, this book has something for every design enthusiast. While most of the spaces profiled in the book are on the small side, the styles are beautiful and varied.
Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book. "Bonney's book is a 'how-to' guide for great design. Not only is it beautiful to look at, there are tons of design ideas on every page." The essential idea of this book is to show the reader how to create a home that reflects their personality and makes them happy. It’ll even give you ideas for stenciling your accent wall and wrapping your gifts in reclaimed maps. But even though I bought this book shortly after it came out, I’m already starting to find it dated.
Additionally, there is a chapter devoted to flower arrangments with guidelines on the basic you need to know and instructions to create 20 arrangements. Lots of lovely pictures and inspiring DIY projects. I love Grace Bonney's blog and this book was just more of the best stuff. Loved getting to thumb through bunches and bunches of new Sneak Peeks. Also liked getting to read more about Grace's path to the blog. I paged through it in about two lunches.
I have compiled a list of my favorite picture books that help children develop empathy, relate to others, and talk about their feelings. This book makes me sad about all the things I want to do to my house, but can't afford. I just have to remind myself that these people probably have massive credit card debt. Some good stuff, but a lot that I recognize as having seen on Design Sponge already at various points in time. Fun to flip through, but even flipping through got tiresome after a while . I flipped through the DIY section in the back because I am not crafty, but I can see how many people would enjoy these projects.

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